
Reference Number496.5 BA9360/Cab 23/198 - 223; 289 - 290
Hierarchy Browser Number8001/2/15/11
TitleAlphabetical list of contracts: 'P', 'Q' and 'R' places and subjects
DescriptionFolders containing contracts and other paperwork relating to projects and property. Documents include bills, deeds, legal papers, estimates, circulars, newspaper clippings, maps and plans, evidence from public enquiries, auction particulars of sale, correspondence, minutes of meetings etc. A couple of folders contain photographs. The folders were arranged alphabetically by subject.

Folder 198 covers 31 & 33 Nash's Passage. Watch/N/1/1 (Second file opened 2/4/52). [1952 - 1953].
Folder 199 covers Police Act 1946. Watch and Lighting Committee P/17. [1945 - 1955].
Folder 200 covers Police Department - Civilian Staff. Wh/P/32. [1953 -1959].
Folder 201 covers Police Superannuation. [1931 - 1958].
Folder 202 covers Poisons re Pharmacy & Poisons Act 1933. [1935 - 1950].
Folder 203 covers Poisons re Licences. [1931 - 1948].
Folder 204 covers Property & Land Miscellaneous. [1934 - 1937].
Folder 205 covers Property. Housing Sites 1934 - 35. Bath Rd Vernon Park etc. Miscellaneous Correspondence. [1934 - 1935]
Folder 206 covers Housing Act 1936. Health H/6. Property Misc 1940 - .[sic] [Many locations including Carden Street, College Street, South Quay, Foundry Street, the Butts, Hylton Road, Silver Street, Cherry Tree Walk, Quay Street and many others, 1941 - 1955].
Folder 207 covers Quay Street re Purchase Nos 17 & 19, No. 1, 2, 4, 6, Court 5. Shakespeare. [1935].
Folder 208 covers Raglan Street re Purchase Sefton No 15. Brewer. [1935].
Folder 209 covers Raglan Street re Purchase Avery [1935].
Folder 210 covers Raglan St re Purchase Rowe (part Sunnyside Rd). [1935].
Folder 211 covers Raglan St re Purchase No 13 Ruby. Re Purchase No 11 Johnson. [1935].
Folder 212 covers Raglan Street (Gregory Mill St) re Purchase Windshields Co. [1936].
Folder 213 covers Raglan Street re Purchase Overall. [1935].
Folder 214 covers Recreation Grounds. Northwick Rd. [1936 - 1937].
Folder 215 covers Recreation Grounds. Perry Wood Walk. [1936 - 1937].
Folder 216 covers Recreation Grounds. Vicar St [1931 - 1932].
Folder 217 covers Recreation Grounds. Oldbury Rd & Henwick Rd. [1935 - 1936].
Folder 218 covers Recreation Grounds. Perry Wood. Christ Church Oxford. [1936 - 1937].
Folder 219 covers Recreation Ground. Battenhall. [1936 - 1937].
Folder 220 covers Recreation Grounds. Tybridge St & Bath Rd - General. [1936].
Folder 221 covers Refuse Tips. [1922 - 1933].
Folder 222 covers Redcliffe Street Improvements. [1921 - 1923].
Folder 223 covers Rowley Hill Street Improvements. [1927 - 1928].
Folder 289 covers Road Safety re School Crossing Patrols 1953 - 1958.
Folder 290 covers Right of Way re Perrywood. [1935].
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