
Reference Number496.5 BA9360/CAB11/13/1-20 (formerly CAB11 St Clement Box 13)
Hierarchy Browser Number8001/2/3/1/9/1-20
TitleWorcester St Clement - Hylton Road, The Hero Public House
DescriptionLease, assignment, deed of enfranchisement, mortgage, abstract of title of Herbert George Goldingham, plans, agreements, conveyances and schedules of deeds relating to:

freehold messuage with yard and out offices behind situated [at Bridge Place] near the site of the west end of Severn Old Bridge (demolished), bounded on west by road running to Hinton Lane, on east by horse towing path, on north by Royal George public house.
This property was the public house known as The Hero (1860), then converted to 3 dwelling houses (1876) in Hylton Street (formerly held under Worcester Corporation lease 116).

Parties include: Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of Worcester City, William Smith of Worcester St Clement, coal dealer/waterman, and Sarah his wife, Ann Smith of Worcester City, spinster, Herbert George Goldingham of Worcester City, gentleman.
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