
Reference Number496.5 BA9360/Cab 12/Box 18/2/1 - 29 (formerly Cab 12 Box 18 St Helens)
Hierarchy Browser Number8001/2/5/1/27
TitlePump Street, Worcester St Helens
DescriptionNotices, notices to quit, particulars, drafts, plans, briefs, schedule of deeds, abstracts of title and conveyance all relating to property in Pump Street and the Shambles, Worcester.

Parties include the Charity Commissioners, the Governors of Stourbridge Free Grammar School and the Corporation of Worcester.

With a label reading "Deeds and Writings relating to part of the Freehold house at the corner of Pump Street and the Shambles in the City of Worcester purchased from the Governors of Stourbridge Free Grammar School.".
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