
Reference Number496.5 BA9360/Cab 12/Box 7/1 - 50 (formerly Cab 12 Box 7 St Helens)
Hierarchy Browser Number8001/2/5/1/4
TitleNo.s 7 and 8 Newdix Court, High Street, Worcester St Helens
DescriptionLeases, mortgages, extract and probate of wills, bond, releases, assignments, conveyance, deeds of covenant, feoffment, schedules of title deeds, conditions of sale, abstracts of title, statutory declarations, deed of indemnity, acknowledgements, and taxation forms, all relating to houses with stables and ground, numbered 7 and 8 Newdix Court, Worcester. Includes copies of documents dating to 1741.

Parties include: Dr George Hill and family, Henry Gould, Thomas Russell and family, George Harper and family, Thomas Pitt, George Attwood and family, Nathaniel Wilkins, Thomas Griffith, Judith Packwood, William Wathen, Benjamin Hooke and family, James Lewis, Thomas Corbett and family, William Price and family, Thomas Millichap, Richard Folley, John Bennett, Daniel George, Thomas Hooke, John Hughes, James Weaver, Thomas Partington, Thomas Richardson, John Stone, Emma Hughes, Charles Bryant, James Shapland, Claude Waldegrave Stone, Royal Insurance Company, Charles Hobday and the Inland Revenue.

With a label on brown paper reading "Deeds relating to 7 and 8 Newdix Court. High St. (Lich St. Scheme). Purchased from C. E. Hobday. Date 28 May '62. Town Clerk, Worcester".
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