
Hierarchy Browser Number8001/3/3/6/2
TitlePowick Lunatic Asylum
DescriptionThe Worcester County Pauper and Lunatic Asylum, also known as Powick Asylum and Powick Hospital, was opened in either 1847 or 1852. It was jointly run by both local authorities to care for the insane, idiots and lunatics in Worcestershire and the City of Worcester. It closed in 1996. Sir Edward Elgar, in his youth, was employed to lead the Asylum Band in the 1870s.

The records here are not the main asylum records, but consist of information the City Council retained due to its interest in the asylum. It primarily consists of Asylum accounts and lists of patients from Worcester sent there, as the parishes and Council was responsible for their maintenance if the famileis could not pay. There are small numbers of administrative or legal records, particularly in relation to the arrangements with the County Council.
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