
Reference Number496.5 BA9360/Cab 19/Box 22/2/1 - 22 (formerly Cab 19/8)
Hierarchy Browser Number8001/9/6/1/2/2
TitleLand purchased for the Board Schools from Joseph Wood Esq
DescriptionSale of premises in Quay Street [also Key, Keyn] the parish of St Andrews, Worcester, from Joseph Wood to the Worcester School Board.

Conveyance of certain messuages and tenements between George Yardley and Matthew Oliver, 1709.

Bond of George Yardley to perform convenants (part in Latin), 1709.

Lease and Conveyance of three messuages and premises, bounded by Hound's Lane and Grope [Group] Lane, from Frances Bissell, widow of Samuel Bissell deceased, gentleman, of Ridmarley Dabitott [Redmarley D`Abitot, now Gloucestershire], Herbert Bennett, gentleman, and Elizabeth his wife, of Shelwick, Herefordshire, William Walter, distiller, and Anne his wife, of Ridmarley Dabitott, Thomas Pingrey, blacksmith and Jane his wife, of Ridmarley Dabitott, Letitia Bissell of Ridmarley Dabitott, John Bissell and Frances his wife, of London, Mary Bissell of Ridmarley Dabitott, (Elizabeth, Anne, Jane, Letitia, Frances and Mary being daughters of Samuel Bissell deceased, to Matthew Oliver, maltster of Worcester, 1722.

Bond that Mary Bissell will execute a conveyance of the three tenements to Matthew Oliver when she is of age, 1722.

Deed to lead the uses of a fine of three messuages in Hound's Lane and Group Lane from Elizabeth Bennett of Ledbury, Herefordshire, widow of Herbert; Thomas Whittell, yeoman of Gloucestershire and Anne his wife, relict of William Walker, distiller of Redmarley Dabitot; Thomas Pengrey, blacksmith of Redmarley Dabitot and Jane his wife; Frances Bissell of Ledbury, widow of John; John Barford of St James, Westminster and Letitia his wife; Richard Yarnold of Ledbury, apothecary and Mary his wife; to Abigail Oliver, widow of Matthrew Oliver, maltster of Worcester, and William Southall, brazier of Worcester. With further documents relating to Mary Yarnold being under 21 years.

Bond of Samuel Lowe, button maker of Kidderminster, Samuel Crane of Staffordshire, husbandman and Matthew Oliver, maltster of Worcester to William Harwood, 1842.

Abigail Oliver's will, 1756 proved 1762.

Articles of marriage (marriage settlement) between Samuel Lowe and Elizabeth Crane, 1760.

1832 letter to solicitors providing an extract from a parish register of the marriage of Samuel Crane and Elizabeth Lowe, which took place 22 O ctober 1760 in Kinfare [Kinver, Staffordshire]. Includes information about other marriages and baptisms for this family that were requested.

Printed copy from 1832 of an entry in the parish register for the baptism of John Crane, 1761, in Kidderminster.

Pedigree of the Lowes and Cranes as furnished by Mrs Hart, tentatively dated 1769 but more likely 1813.

Copy of the will of Samuel Lowe, 1769.

Copy of the will of Samuel Lowe, 1792.

Will of Oliver Lowe of Kidderminster with administration annexed, 1813.

Pedigree of the Lowes and Cranes as furnished by Mrs Hart, 1813 (see above) with letter from Mr Ball of Hereford regarding John Crane's status as Oliver Lowe's heir.

Dispute between John Crane and John Bellamy over possession of a dwelling house in St Andrews parish, 1832.

1832 copy of the 1731 marriage between Samuel Lowe and Mary Oliver extracted from the Worcestershire Monthly Meeting Register.

1833 copy of banns, baptisms, marriages and burials of the Lowe and Crane families in the eighteenth century.

Conveyance by feoffment of messuages, tenements and premises in Grope Lane from henry Crane and Joseph Challingworth, gentlemen of Worcestershire and executors of John Crane's will, to Joseph Wood, builder of Worcester and William Joice the elder of Mealcheapen Street Worcester, glove manufacturer, 1836.

Statutory conveyance of premises in Group Lane from Joseph Wood, gentleman of Worcester, to the Worcester School Board, 1872.

Declaration by Joseph Wood, esquire, as to possession of property sold by him to the Worcester School Board, 1872.
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