Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse 350 - Croome Collection - the family and estate papers of the Earls of Coventry350 - Croome Collection - the family and estate papers of the Earls of Coventry
Expand 1 - Manorial Records1 - Manorial Records
Expand 2 - Deeds of Title2 - Deeds of Title
Expand 3 - Wills and Settlements3 - Wills and Settlements
Expand 4 - Estate Management4 - Estate Management
Expand 5 - Household Records5 - Household Records
Expand 7 - Family and Personal papers7 - Family and Personal papers
Expand 8 - Official Papers8 - Official Papers
Expand 9 - Maps and Plans9 - Maps and Plans
Collapse 10 - Printed and Pictorial Material10 - Printed and Pictorial Material
Collapse 1 - Books, booklets, catalogues and pamphlets1 - Books, booklets, catalogues and pamphlets
Expand 1 - Anti-Slavery1 - Anti-Slavery
Expand 2 - Coventry family and Croome Court references2 - Coventry family and Croome Court references
Expand 3 - Farming and agriculture3 - Farming and agriculture
Expand 4 - Medicine4 - Medicine
Expand 5 - Pictures and paintings5 - Pictures and paintings
Expand 6 - Plays and poems6 - Plays and poems
Collapse 7 - Political7 - Political
1 - A Caveat to the Cavaliers
2 - A Letter from Xo Ho, a Chinese philosopher at London
3 - Address to the Houses of Parliament
4 - A Letter to a Member of Parliament
5 - The London Magazine
6 - Considerations on the Navy Bill
7 - Exposition of the Motives
8 - Observations on the late and present conduct of the French
9 - Treaty between his Britannic Majesty and her Imperial Majesty of all the Russias
10 - An essay on ways and means for raising money for the support of the present war
11 - A Fifth Letter to the People of England
12 - The Manifesto of the Court of France: or, a Parallel of the King's Conduct
13 - The Conduct of the Ministry Impartially Examined
14 - The Manifold Causes of the Increase of the Poor distinctly set forth
15 - Seasonable hints from an honest man
16 - Reasons in support of the war in Germany
17 - A Letter from a Right Honourable Person
18 - An Historical Memorial of the Negotiation of France and England
19 - Papers relative to the rupture with Spain, laid before both Houses of Parliament
20 - A scheme by which great advantages are proposed for the Government, etc.
21 - An historical memorial of the negotiation for peace
22 - Rules and orders of the House of Commons respecting private Bills
23 - An account of the escape of the Royal family of Portugal to the Brazils
24 - A letter etc.
25 - Report from the committee of Aldermen, appointed to visit several gaols in England
26 - Substance of the Speech etc
27 - Substance of a Speech etc
28 - A Reply etc.
29 - A letter on the subject of the projected rail road, between Liverpool and Manchester
30 - Speech of John Richards, Esq. M.P. etc.
31 - Extracts from a pamphlet on the present state of the Irish poor
32 - A letter regarding the doctrines of the established church
33 - Appeal to the electors of England, on the approaching dissolution
34 - A letter addressed to John Wilson Patten, Esq. M.P. on the removal of Saturday and Monday markets and fairs
35 - Offices and addresses of Her Majesty's Household and Officers of State
Expand 8 - Religious8 - Religious
Expand 9 - Accounts of Trials9 - Accounts of Trials
Expand 10 - Miscellaneous 10 - Miscellaneous
Expand 2 - Extracts and articles2 - Extracts and articles
Expand 3 - Printed sermons3 - Printed sermons
4 - Acts of Parliament
Expand 5 - Newspapers5 - Newspapers
Expand 6 - Photographs and prints6 - Photographs and prints
7 - Drawings