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Collapse 350 - Croome Collection - the family and estate papers of the Earls of Coventry350 - Croome Collection - the family and estate papers of the Earls of Coventry
Expand 1 - Manorial Records1 - Manorial Records
Expand 2 - Deeds of Title2 - Deeds of Title
Expand 3 - Wills and Settlements3 - Wills and Settlements
Expand 4 - Estate Management4 - Estate Management
Expand 5 - Household Records5 - Household Records
Expand 7 - Family and Personal papers7 - Family and Personal papers
Collapse 8 - Official Papers8 - Official Papers
Expand 1 - Sir Thomas Coventry [1547-1606]1 - Sir Thomas Coventry [1547-1606]
Collapse 2 - Sir Thomas Coventry, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England, 1st Baron of Allesborough [1578-1640]2 - Sir Thomas Coventry, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England, 1st Baron of Allesborough [1578-1640]
Expand 1 - Treasurer of Inner Temple1 - Treasurer of Inner Temple
Collapse 2 - Lord Keeper of Great Seal of England2 - Lord Keeper of Great Seal of England
Collapse 1 - Docquets of Letters Patent1 - Docquets of Letters Patent
1 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Absolutions
2 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Absolution
3 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Patents of admittance
4 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Commissions of appeal in the Court of Admiralty
5 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Commissions of appeal in the Court of Admiralty
6 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Licences of alienation.
7 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Licences of alienation.
8 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Licences of alienation.
9 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Licences of alienation.
10 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Licences of alienation.
11 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Licences of alienation.
12 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Licences of alienation.
13 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Commissions of appeal
14 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Commissions of appeal
15 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Patents of attendance
16 - Docquets of Letters Patent. Commissions of bankruptcy
17 - Docquets of Letters Patent. Commissions of bankruptcy
18 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Certificates
19 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Certificates
20 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Commissions for charitable uses
21 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Commissions for charitable uses
22 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Charters
23 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Commissions
24 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Commissions
25 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Conges délire
26 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Patents of Creation
27 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Patents of Creation
28 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Grants of custody
29 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Grants of custody
30 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Writs of dedimus potestatem
31 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Denizations
32 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Appointments of escheators
33 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Exemplifications
34 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Exemplifications
35 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Licences to eat flesh
36 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Licences to eat flesh
38 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Commissions of gaol delivery
39 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Commissions of gaol delivery
40 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Grants and patents
41 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Grants and patents
42 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Grants of deaneries and prebends
43 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Appointments of sheriffs
44 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Appointments of sheriffs
45 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Commissions of Provision for the King's Household
46 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Grants of leases
48 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Miscellaneous licences
49 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Grants of livery of lands
50 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Grants of livery of lands
51 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Grants of offices
52 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Awards of ousterlemain
53 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Commissions of oyer and terminer
54 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Commissions of oyer and terminer
55 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Pardons
56 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Pardons of course
57 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Pardons of course
58 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Commissions of the peace
59 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Commissions of the peace
60 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Perpetuities
61 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Petitions
62 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Dispensations for pluralties
63 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Dispensations for pluralties
64 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Inquisitions post mortem
65 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Inquisitions post mortem
66 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Presentations to benefices
67 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Presentations to benefices
68 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Grants and confirmations of privileges
69 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Grants and confirmations of privileges
70 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Proclamations
71 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Proclamations
72 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Grants of protection
73 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Commissions of Provisions
74 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Commissions of rebellion
75 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Commissions of rebellion
76 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Royal assents to appointments of bishops
77 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Royal assents to appointments of bishops
78 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Commissions of sewers
79 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Dispensations granting succession
80 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Licences to sell tobacco
81 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Licences to sell tobacco
82 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Licences to sell wine
83 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Licences to sell wine
84 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Special pardons
85 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Special pardons
86 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Pardons of alienation
87 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Pardons of alienation
88 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Patents of assize
89 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Commendams
90 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Commendams
91 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Royal declarations
92 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Commissions of inquiry respecting depopulation
93 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Executories
94 - Letters Patent: Commissions for the loan of money
95 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Special releases
96 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Commissions to collect for St. Paul's
97 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Vidimus of orders
98 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Warrants
99 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Warrants
100 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Writs
101 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Pardons of alienation
102 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Grants of Annuities
103 - Docquets of Letters Patent: Commissions for loans of money
104 - Various docquets of Letters Patent
105 - Various docquets of Letters Patent
2 - Judgement of John Hampden regarding Ship Money levy
3 - Ordinances in Chancery
3 - Appointments
4 - List of Lord Keeper's papers held at Croome Court
Expand 3 - George Coventry, 3rd Baron of Allesborough [1628-1680]3 - George Coventry, 3rd Baron of Allesborough [1628-1680]
Expand 4 - Sir John Coventry [1632-1682]4 - Sir John Coventry [1632-1682]
Expand 5 - John Coventry, 4th Baron of Allesborough [1654-1685]5 - John Coventry, 4th Baron of Allesborough [1654-1685]
Expand 6 - Thomas Coventry, 5th Baron of Allesborough, Viscount Deerhurst and 1st Earl of Coventry [1629-1699]6 - Thomas Coventry, 5th Baron of Allesborough, Viscount Deerhurst and 1st Earl of Coventry [1629-1699]
Expand 7 - Thomas Coventry, 6th Baron of Allesborough, Viscount Deerhurst and 2nd Earl of Coventry [1662-1710]7 - Thomas Coventry, 6th Baron of Allesborough, Viscount Deerhurst and 2nd Earl of Coventry [1662-1710]
Expand 8 - William Coventry, Viscount Deerhurst and 5th Earl of Coventry [1678-1751]8 - William Coventry, Viscount Deerhurst and 5th Earl of Coventry [1678-1751]
Expand 9 - Thomas Henry, Viscount Deerhurst [1721-1744]9 - Thomas Henry, Viscount Deerhurst [1721-1744]
Expand 10 - George William, Viscount Deerhurst and 6th Earl of Coventry [1722-1809]10 - George William, Viscount Deerhurst and 6th Earl of Coventry [1722-1809]
11 - George William, Viscount Deerhurst and 7th Earl of Coventry [1758-1831]
Expand 12 - Honourable Reverend Thomas Henry Coventry [1792-1869]12 - Honourable Reverend Thomas Henry Coventry [1792-1869]
Expand 13 - Honourable William James Coventry [1797-1877]13 - Honourable William James Coventry [1797-1877]
Expand 14 - George William, Viscount Deerhurst and 8th Earl of Coventry [1784-1843]14 - George William, Viscount Deerhurst and 8th Earl of Coventry [1784-1843]
Expand 15 - George William, Viscount Deerhurst and 9th Earl of Coventry [1838-1930]15 - George William, Viscount Deerhurst and 9th Earl of Coventry [1838-1930]
Expand 16 - George William, Viscount Deerhurst  [1865-1927]16 - George William, Viscount Deerhurst [1865-1927]
Expand 17 - Honourable Charles John Coventry [1867-1929]17 - Honourable Charles John Coventry [1867-1929]
Expand 9 - Maps and Plans9 - Maps and Plans
Expand 10 - Printed and Pictorial Material10 - Printed and Pictorial Material