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Collapse 8001 - Worcester City Archives8001 - Worcester City Archives
Expand 1 - Town Clerk - Administration1 - Town Clerk - Administration
Expand 2 - Town Clerk - Property2 - Town Clerk - Property
Collapse 3 - Worcester Courts3 - Worcester Courts
Expand 1 - Court of Pleas1 - Court of Pleas
Expand 2 - Clerk of the Peace2 - Clerk of the Peace
Expand 3 - Worcester City Quarter Sessions3 - Worcester City Quarter Sessions
Collapse 4 - Worcester City Quarter Sessions Police and Gaol Records4 - Worcester City Quarter Sessions Police and Gaol Records
Expand 1 - Worcester City and County Gaol Committee Minutes, Reports and Other Administrative Records1 - Worcester City and County Gaol Committee Minutes, Reports and Other Administrative Records
Expand 2 - Worcester City and County Gaol Accounts2 - Worcester City and County Gaol Accounts
Expand 3 - Worcester City and County Gaol Prisoners3 - Worcester City and County Gaol Prisoners
Expand 4 - Worcester City and County Gaol and Police Staff4 - Worcester City and County Gaol and Police Staff
Collapse 6 - Documents Concerning the Crime, Punishment and the Legal System6 - Documents Concerning the Crime, Punishment and the Legal System
1 - Statement and Appeal of the Anti-Transportation League of Victoria to the People of Great Britain
2 - Report of the Proceedings of the Deputations from the Cities and Boroughs of England and Wales with Reference to the Consolidation of the Police of Boroughs and Counties
3 - Act for the Relief of Certain Insolvent Debtors, 37 George III CXII
4 - Juvenile Offenders
5 - Report of the Committee on Discharged Prisoners' Aid Societies
6 - An Act to amend the Law relating to Prisons in England
7 - An Act to encourage the Establishment of District Courts and Prisons
8 - Rules Settled and Approved by the Secretary of State, under the Prison Act, 1877
9 - Rules as to the Visiting Committee; Rules appointing Alternative Prisons in the same County; Rule appointing Alternative Persons in an adjoining County; Rules for Debtors.
10 - Copies of Rule made by the Secretary of State appointing Alternative Prisons in the same County; Of Rule made by the Secretary of State appointing Alternative Prisons in adjoining County; Of Orders made by the Secretary of State for the Discontinuance of certain Prisons.
11 - Copies of Rule made by Secretary of State appointing Alternative Prisons in adjoining County; of Rule made by the Secretary of State appointing the Prison of Holloway as a Prison to which Male Convicted Criminal Prisoners may be Committed from any Court within the County of Middlesex; and, of Rules made by the Secretary of State as to the Appointment and Powers of Visiting Committees.
12 - Copies of Rule made by Secretary of State appointing Alternative Prisons in adjoining County
13 - Contract for the Maintenance of Prisoners of the City of Worcester in the Prison of the County of Worcester
14 - Table of Prisons to be discontinued and of Prisons appointed in their stead
Expand 7 - Worcester City and County Gaol Buildings and Property7 - Worcester City and County Gaol Buildings and Property
Expand 8 - Worcester City and County Gaol Rules and Regulations8 - Worcester City and County Gaol Rules and Regulations
Expand 9 - Miscellaneous documents relating to Worcester City and County Gaol and the Police Force9 - Miscellaneous documents relating to Worcester City and County Gaol and the Police Force
10 - Newspapers kept with the Gaol records
Expand 5 - Coroners Records5 - Coroners Records
Expand 6 - Court Leet6 - Court Leet
Expand 7 - Customs and Precedents7 - Customs and Precedents
9 - Registers of Papists' Estates
Expand 10 - Recognizances10 - Recognizances
Expand 4 - Chamberlain4 - Chamberlain
Expand 5 - Registrations and Licenses5 - Registrations and Licenses
Expand 6 - Local Board of Health6 - Local Board of Health
Expand 7 - City Engineer and Surveyor7 - City Engineer and Surveyor
Expand 8 - Parliamentary, Corporation and Local Elections8 - Parliamentary, Corporation and Local Elections
Expand 9 - Worcester School Board9 - Worcester School Board
Expand 10 - Land and Property of the Worcester Corporation10 - Land and Property of the Worcester Corporation
Expand 11 - Leisure and land use11 - Leisure and land use
Expand 12 - Transport and related infrastructure12 - Transport and related infrastructure
Expand 13 - Charities13 - Charities
Expand 14 - Guildhall14 - Guildhall
Expand 15 - Markets15 - Markets
Expand 16 - Military16 - Military
Expand 17 - Publications kept for reference by Worcester City Corporation17 - Publications kept for reference by Worcester City Corporation
Expand 18 - Associated Papers18 - Associated Papers
Expand 19 - Worcester City Council.  Town Planning Report, Photographs and Plans 19 - Worcester City Council. Town Planning Report, Photographs and Plans
Expand 20 - Worcester City Council. Deeds. Worcester All Saints and Worcester St Andrews20 - Worcester City Council. Deeds. Worcester All Saints and Worcester St Andrews